Kale, my new best friend

If I can make this kale dish and have Peter ask me to make it again, I think you will enjoy it too!  Kale can be difficult to eat on its own (especially when it is raw) but when you cook it and add a few things to spice it up, I think it is delicious.  Kale is also extremely nutritious so I try to add this into my meals anytime I can.  My mom sent me the picture above, did you know it had so many vitamins?!?! I found inspiration for this Braised Kale recipe at Health.com and this side dish goes well with grilled meat or my roasted chicken recipe.  Here are the simple ingredients you will need:


1 large bunch of kale

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

8 garlic cloves, chopped

1/2 cup low sodium chicken broth

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

grated parmesan cheese

Step 1: Tear the leafy part of the kale away from the stems.  Throw away the stems and then coarsely chop up the leaves and rinse.

Step 2: Heat the olive oil over low heat in a large skillet.  Add the garlic and cook it, stirring every once in a while, until it turns golden brown and you can start to smell it.  Take the garlic out of the skillet and put it in a bowl off to the side.

golden brown and aromatic

golden brown and aromatic

Step 3: Turn the heat up to medium and add the kale to the hot skillet. Pour the chicken broth over top of the kale, cover the skillet, and let it simmer for 2-3 minutes.  This helps to steam the kale but don’t let it cook too long or boil down because you will lose all of the nutrients.


Step 4: Season with the salt and pepper.  Remove the kale from the liquid and then serve with garlic and parmesan cheese on top.  Enjoy!


2 thoughts on “Kale, my new best friend

  1. Luke and I started eating a lot of kale… we love it braised using safflower oil and lemon juice! Also good with some slivered almonds thrown in halfway through cooking : )

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